La Dolce Vita Yin Workshop

🍇La Dolce Vita Yin Workshop🍇

Slow living at it’s best! La Dolce Vita in the form of Yin yoga 🙂

*FREE* Yin yoga workshop for our Italy Retreat participants – now also available for other curious yogi’s!

When: Sun 16 May 20:00
Where: Zoom @Home

Why yin yoga

Yin yoga is all about slowing down, softening and finding your own sweet spot. A meditative practise where you linger in your pose so that the deeper tissues can relax and release tension. You will feel gooey like gummy and soooo relaxed!

In this workshop you will learn how to adjust yourself to find that perfect softness in every yin yoga pose. Not too much, not too little – exactly right for you (the sweet spot 😉 . Allowing your body to open up using your breath and to find your ease in stillness.

During our Retreat in Italy in October (details in link) we’ll end every evening with a yin yoga class – so we wanted to give you a taster of what to expect.

And of course it’s the perfect finish of a long weekend as well!

Stay Easy & Soft,

PS You’ll also learn how to use props and even how to create your own!

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