What’s New – Fall 2020
New Class, Easyinyoga Italy Retreat Fall 2021 and 100 Days Challenge

How are you feeling these days? Vacation time is over, schools have begun again. Fall is here, summer is starting to fade. But things still don’t feel normal at all. We’re all still looking to find the balance again, to come home to ourselves.
There isn’t much that we can do to change the world outside of us, but we can change how we react, speak and think. A few weeks ago a co-worker challenged me to join him in the 100 Days Challenge. One Hundred Days without Complaining! I asked him: How does that work, what happens if you catch yourself complaining? No worries he said, I’m on day 30 now, you can just notice you complained and then continue to not complain. It’s a mindfulness practise. I really loved that idea, so of course I accepted the challenge.
And now I challenge YOU to do the same!
We can all use this challenge to be more mindful of our thoughts and words – to spread kindness, peace and positivity. I’m on day 21 now, you can join in anytime you want. Every week I will let you know how it goes via a Live session on Instagram and FB. I’ll keep a journal and share my experience, what I’ve noticed and what changed, so we can keep eachother accountable!
It’s just like with yoga and meditation – you notice your breath, take deep inhales, long exhales, soften and feel better. Simple as that. Until you’re pulled out of that focus and find yourself breathing shallow and feeling tense and stressed again. So you come back to your breath, calm yourself and start over and over and over.
For the 100 Days Challenge we will have to watch our thoughts and words. Complaining about things can be such a habit, but we CAN teach ourselves to be softer and mindful.
Let me know if you want to join and share your experience as well via email (yvonne@easyinyoga.com). Let’s spread the good vibes!
New class: Gentle Flow for Shoulders and Upper Back

Hi Friends! Check out my new class for some extra shoulder & upper back love. This class is perfect for all levels, beginners included. We’ll start easy & gentle to start feeling into all the corners and parts of ourselves and then work our way up to flow out the last bits of tension. It’s like coming home to yourself – kick off your shoes and relax into it.
Let me know how it goes!
Get access via the Easyinyoga Connect FB Group or sign up for my Newsletter.
Easyinyoga Italy Retreat Fall 2021
I am preparing our Post-Corona Escape!

ReConnect to Your True Nature – Yoga & Hiking Italy Retreat Fall 2021
Back to Your True Nature with Yin & Yang Yoga – Unlock(down) your Post-Corona potential for feeling good & moving well in your daily life & yoga practise
Come and join us for 5 days and 4 nights of slow living and ease. Everything is taken care of so you can allow yourself to let go, slow down and reconnect to YOU. All you need to do is whatever feels good.
During the day just enjoy the estate and all it’s amenities, go to the beach or join us for a guided hike in the beautiful mountains of Le Marche. We’ll practise yin and yang yoga for all levels to rebalance yourself both physically and mentally – a Strala (yang) yoga class in the morning and a yin yoga class and meditation in the evening.
Experience your true nature, a feeling of coming home to yourself and unlock(down) your potential for feeling good & moving well in your daily life.
Soak up the EASE – take what you need and leave the rest. You will leave feeling reconnected, rebalanced, inspired and with friends for life.